Zawitowski and MPL

Tom Zawistowski: 2024 Election is About ‘Issues,’ Not ‘Personalities’

Jul 25, 2024

Tom Zawistowski, president of the We the People Convention, is stressing to voters that important policy issues are at stake in this year’s presidential election despite the Democratic Party attempting to persuade voters to vote against former President Donald Trump solely due to his “personality.”

“Remember, this is about issues – not people or personalities. The left keeps wanting to make it about Trump and his personality. And yes, we did a lot of attacking Biden for his age and all that, but it’s really about issues. Biden couldn’t win and he’s not running anymore because of his issues on the economy, energy, the border, world wars, etc,” Zawistowski said on Thursday’s edition of The Michael Patrick Leahy Show.

Zawistowski noted how Vice President Kamala Harris—who, in less than 48 hours after President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 race, gathered enough pledged delegates to become the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee—is being sold as a candidate with a better personality than Trump despite her “radical” policy stances.

“Kamala Harris makes the people that are running the Biden administration – because Joe Biden certainly wasn’t running it – look like moderates when it comes to things like the border, like energy policy. She’s flat out there saying that she would ban fracking, ban offshore drilling. She’s as radical as can be,” Zawistowski said.

Noting how it appears that Biden was pushed out of the presidency due to his growing chances of defeat in the November election, Zawistowski went on to question why Democrats believe Harris could be the person to defeat Trump.

“It’s frightening to me because if you think about it, they couldn’t push Joe Biden over the top. If they didn’t think they could cheat enough to put him over – as incompetent as he was and the mental problems he’s having – why do they think they could push [Harris] over the top? It doesn’t make any sense to me when she’s an even worse candidate,” Zawistowski said.

“She can read a teleprompter better than Biden can, I’ll give her that, but seriously, there is no advantage. There’s actually a deficit. The polls showed it. All of the polling we saw before this switch showed Biden performing better than her. That’s just a fact. So now you look at these policies and you ask, ‘So why are they doing this?’ It really is a question that you and I need to think a lot about because it really frightens me that they think they can get this person over the top and gaslight the voters as they did in 2020 with Joe Biden. Those days are over, Mike,” Zawistowski said.

Moving forward, Zawistowski urged voters to focus on the candidates’ policy stances and not be gaslighted by the media and Democratic Party, which are attempting to turn the race between Harris and Trump into a personality contest.

“We have to take it off of personalities. It’s not about Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. It’s about lower prices, being able to afford a house, not having World War III. It’s about issues,” Zawistowski said.

Watch the full interview:

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.





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