Liberal Author and Creator of Naomi Wolf Talks Mask Mandates, Individual Liberties, and Citizen Action

Apr 23, 2021


Live from Music Row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed liberal, feminist, and creator of the new site called Daily Clout Dr. Naomi Wolf to the newsmakers line to talk about how the restrictive COVID measures are not about the virus but about stripping American’s of their individual rights.

Leahy: We are joined by our friend, Dr. Naomi Wolf who is a well-known liberal author but right now is having a hard time getting all of these mainstream media outlets to actually listen to her. Naomi, you had a tweet late yesterday and said if I hadn’t met a group of libertarians who questioned all the totalitarian directives and all the paid for “inaccurate science”, I would not have survived to this day psychologically. So we hope you are surviving this morning Naomi.

Wolf: I’m fine. Thank you. How are you doing?

Leahy: We’re great. So you’ve been tracking COVID-19 and all these restrictions. And I saw that you retweeted one tweet that looked at the difference between a couple of states, I guess, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin, with regards to all the mask use and the lockdowns. And in actual numbers, the mask usage and forced mask usage in lockdowns don’t seem to have that much impact on the cases of COVID and deaths. Do I have that right?

Wolf: There are 33 studies now at the American Institute for Economic Research where I’m a senior fellow, that has compiled from all over the world that showed that lockdowns don’t make any difference at all. These restrictive measures in a population don’t make a difference in COVID outcomes. Florida is doing better than California, and California is a totally closed state. New York is doing worse than South Dakota, and South Dakota is a completely open state.

Sweden did better than Britain, and people have been under house arrest in Britain. Essentially, there’s a study out of Denmark that shows that mask populations don’t do better than unmasked ones. And on and on and on. And yet we’re keeping kids out of school. We’re putting masks on their faces, which is very harmful. And more studies are showing harm, their cognitive development, their verbal development, their social interaction.

We’re crushing businesses. And in my state, New York, eight people in my county, eight people a month die with “COVID” and other comorbidities and with an average age of 85, which is older than the average American lifespan. Every death is bad but that’s a lower death rate than opioid overdoses. So it’s not a pandemic where I live. It’s an endemic. And in many places, it’s not a pandemic anymore. It’s not an emergency anymore. And these measures are being used to lie to us, to break society, and to disrupt and damage human connections and human bonds.

Leahy: Why are you having such a hard time getting these basic scientific facts out there? Why has the mainstream media turned against you now?

Wolf: Well, I don’t know what your evidence is that the mainstream media has turned against me. I know I was attacked by one guy, Matt Gertz, I believe who is at Media Matters and mentioned CNN in his bio, but he didn’t have anything substantive to say. So it’s not that I’m being attacked. It’s that the mainstream media is going with different spokespeople who are telling untruths like Dr. Fauci and the CDC Director.

And they’re highly conflicted. But again, it’s not just me. I’m not a scientist. I’m not a medical doctor. I’m citing many reports that are from people like the Great Barrington Declaration signatories who are very distinguished epidemiologists and virologists from Stanford, Oxford, and Harvard. So many scientists are doing this work. Many news outlets are reporting them.

Unfortunately, right now, it looks like the right-wing and libertarian news outlets are reporting them and the kind of news that I follow and my loved ones follow like NPR, CNN, and The New York Times are reproducing science that’s not that good. And reproducing uncritically spokespeople like Dr. Fauci and the CDC that are saying things that are really not true and not backed up by science.

Leahy: Where does this all go in terms of public policy? When will the mask mandates be removed? When will the lockdowns stop? I see in Michigan, they’re doubling down now.

Wolf: It’s insane. It’s madness. I got contacted because in Michigan I understand that they are trying to put masks on two to four-year-olds. I was told the story of a nine-year-old whose mom tried to get a doctor to give her an exemption to remove his mask because he couldn’t breathe in an exercise class. And the doctor said, I can’t do that but I’ll give him (Inaudible talk) so he can breathe and an anti-anxiety medication so that he can deal with his trauma.

I mean, it’s shocking what we’re doing to kids. Public policy changes when we change it. Dr. Fauchi, he’s not God. He’s not the president of the United States. He has no totalitarian powers. He’s a medical advisor. He has no power to make us do anything. And people misunderstand that. Even the CDC director, Dr. Walensky of CDC has no enforcement powers. So these are guidelines.

At the state level, we are looking at horrible laws that have been passed by governors. And so this will go on as long as we let it. I personally am not letting it. I started something on Daily Clout, my democracy-building news and legislation site called the Five Freedoms Campaign. And it’s going incredibly well where citizens across the country are uniting digitally to pass no vaccine bills, passport bills, and no mask mandate bills.

Freedom of assembly, freedom to worship, freedom to run your business, no emergency law bills, and so on. And three states have our model legislation and your listeners can join. You can use it to lobby your own state representatives. But this is up to the citizens of the United States and the citizens of the world to grab their rights back and their freedoms back because it is clear that this is not, I said this in August last year, this is not about a virus. It’s not about a vaccine. It’s about people who are not our friends and not even our allies. And I can get into that if you like, trying to subjugate us. And that is not going away.

Leahy: If people want to learn more about the Five Freedoms Campaign, where do they go, Naomi?

Wolf: Thank you so much. They can go to and right there, you’ll see the Five Freedoms Campaign. And we’ve got a fantastic model bill which is in process in Maine, New Hampshire, and Michigan thank God. It needs the voices of people in the states to call their state legislators and pass this if you want to get rid of mask mandates, vaccine passports, and all the horrible array of un-American mandates.

Listen to the full third hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio







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Reporter Tom Pappert: Lawfare Skullduggery in Pennsylvania Proves Democrats Are in Denial After Election Losses

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