Craig Huey: The HR1 Bill ‘Opens the Door to Fraud That You Can Never Overcome’

Mar 11, 2021


Live from Music Row Tuesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed creator of the Huey Report and direct mail expert, Craig Huey, in-studio to discuss the HR1 bill that would put the country in danger allowing for voting regulations that encourage fraud and wins for Democrats.

Leahy: Tennessee remains one of the 35 states out there where freedom is still a possibility. California is one of the 15 states where freedom really is not a possibility. And living evidence of that in our studio right now Craig Huey who escaped from California and wants to make sure that doesn’t happen to Tennessee. There’s a Californian in Washington. Her name is Nancy Pelosi, and she embodies everything that’s wrong with America. But she has power right now. And she has introduced a bill that’s passed in the House. HR1.

It’s about to go to the Senate. Perhaps the worst bill in modern American history. Let me just read from Joel Pollak my colleague at Breitbart. House Democrats passed HR 1. This was back on March 4. The so-called for the people act on Wednesday. The bill would radically change American democracy, nationalizing elections, and making permanent changes to voting rules that would virtually ensure Democrats never lose another election. Let’s just pause for a moment, Craig. This is dangerous stuff.

Huey: Michael, it is the most dangerous bill possible. And the reason they’re pushing it hard is they know they have this window of opportunity right at the beginning more so than the in anytime in the next two years. It’s their number one priority. If they can change the election they will permanently be able to win 2022 and 2024.

They will change the election in the entire United States. This HR1, for example, legalizes in every state in the union what’s called ballot harvesting. Ballot harvesting is outlawed in most states. 39 states have it legal in some form or another. I come from California. California was one of the first states to pass ballot harvesting.

Leahy: And let me just interject. When I hear ballot harvesting, I think this is a way for Democrats to cheat. That’s what I think.

Huey: It’s voter fraud on steroids. This bill legalizes voter fraud. And basically what happens is this. Let’s say if that passes then Tennessee is forced to allow ballot harvesting that means political operatives people who are trained political door to door knockers can go to a house, show them how to vote with a voter guide, pick up that ballot, and they can deliver 50, 100, 500, 1000 ballots a thousand ballots to the voter booth and nobody knows who this person is. They could throw away Republican ballots. They could order ballots. They can go to nursing homes go out and pick up all the ballots.

Leahy: So in other words, they can go to somebody’s house and they say hey, fill out the ballot. I’ll take it to the registrar for you.

Huey: Yes. Michael, I’m going to send you a video that you can use of a professional ballot harvester and she knocks on the door and she’s got the data. And she knows the parents who have opened the door are Republican. She doesn’t want to talk to him. She’s been to that house 10 times to talk to the daughter.

The daughter is her target. She wants to pick up her ballot and she says I’m from the Democratic Party as a service to help pick up the ballot and deliver it. And she then will be able to go all the way from school board to governor or president depending on the election as to who to vote for. It transforms politics by 10, 15, 20 percent. And basically, it comes who is the most organized wins. That’s what it is. Who can get at the most ballots.

Huey: And then if you add the fraudulent part…

Leahy: It’s prone to fraud because with ballot harvesting you could go to the house of an elderly Republican couple. They could take the ballots. They could throw them away.

Huey: Totally. Throw them away or older them. And then you’ve got in California 450,000 ballots were sent out to people who are dead. People who have moved. Kids who have gone off to college. Duplicate ballots 40 to 50,000. Now if I go to an apartment and I see these mailboxes I see ballots there. I could pick them up before they’re delivered. If I know who’s getting duplicate ballots I can get those duplicate ballots and hand in a couple of ballots. It opens the door to fraud that you can never overcome.

Leahy: Yeah, and that’s before the Senate. 50 Republicans, 50 Democrats. And it looks like the Democrats are going to try to jam this through.

Huey: They’re going to try to jam it through. They have a very good chance. It will be universal mail-in ballots without a clean voter roll. Voter ID is the number one way to prevent fraud. It makes it illegal to have a voter ID.

Leahy: Which is ridiculous.

Huey: Totally.

Leahy: Talk about transforming our country from a constitutional republic to something like the old Russian Communist party.

Huey: It also tries to get people to register all online. I had a dog registered online (Leahy laughs) in California. Three elections I got the mail-in ballot for the dog at my office address. And when I moved to Tennessee, the ballot followed me.

Leahy: The dog can still vote.

Huey: Yes. There’s no control in doing online registration. And then it also demands that anybody is put on the voter roll who’s on welfare, Obamacare, any type of government agency whether they’re legal or not they’re put on as voters. This is corrupt. This is wrong. And it must be stopped.

Leahy: Well and you kind of get to really the existential element of the survival of our constitutional republic. We are there right now.

Huey: Yes.

Leahy: Of course now 20 attorneys general in the United States have called this unconstitutional. It is unconstitutional because supervision of election is a state function. So now the national federal government is usurping the state authority.

Huey: Unconstitutionally because it is.

Leahy: Here’s the problem. Let me be totally blunt here. The federal courts have in many regards abandoned originalism. And certainly, the big effort by Donald Trump was to put a lot of conservative originalist jurists in the federal court. And they succeeded to a degree asterisk. What is it about a judge that purports to be conservative?

Once they are on the bench you look at their opinions. I’ll give you an example. Big, big push. So Donald Trump names three “conservatives” to the Supreme Court. Big political battles over all of them. A lot of political capital was spent to get them on. New Gorsuch confirmed. Brett Kavanaugh confirmed. Amy Coney Barrett confirmed.

Now if you look at their decisions, Gorsuch is really kind of a libertarian. Not exactly a Scalia originalist, textualist. Kavanaugh and Barrett, let me be blunt, are huge disappointments. Their votes are more like John Roberts and Anthony Kennedy than they are like Anthony Scalia. Do you see that as well?

Huey: I see it but I have hope that you’re going to see from the Supreme Court to the lower bench appointments at the transformation of the judiciary but it still has appointees in there that are judges that are judicial. I think there is a step forward. We have to be prepared now for Biden who will be using the bench to transform society, culture, and politics from the bench. They’re going to legislate from the bench. So we’re now really in a four-year period of danger.

Leahy: Big-time danger. No question about that. And I pray for the health of Clarence Thomas and Justice Alito every day.

Listen to the full third hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio










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Reporter Tom Pappert: Lawfare Skullduggery in Pennsylvania Proves Democrats Are in Denial After Election Losses

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